Friday, January 28, 2011

January Progress Report

Randy got out to Cattail today and took some photos to show us they actually have been able to make progress, even with all the snow they've been having. I'll try to describe what each one shows.
Most of the roof trusses are in place.

Notice the scaffolding in the great room. So that's how they reach the roof top!

The roof line over the great room is slightly higher than the roof line on each end.
And we thought they'd be using sky hooks!
Here they're working on the roof above the upstairs bedroom dormer windows.
This is taken from the great room looking up into the bonus room above the kitchen.
This is taken from the bonus room looking out across the upstairs bedrooms on the right and a storage area above the master bedroom on the left.
And of course, who could ever have enough photos of this beautiful view of the creek. Won't we love looking at it next winter!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Progress Report

Despite being pummeled by high winds and tons of snow most of December, the building crews made good progress since we were last at Cattail. On our trip over Christmas, we were able to climb onto the 2nd floor and watch while the crews put up the dormers and one part of the roof support. The crew foreman, Kent (above right), tells us the roof could be on before the end of January! We'll have a forest green metal roof.

Susan, Edwin (left) and Randy discuss the size of the dormers - two windows go in each dormer.

Kent and Ferrell hold a dormer while Tony nails it in place. Each guest room upstairs has a dormer.

Looking down into the Great Room - the cathedral ceiling for the great room will be 28 feet high. Can you believe that!!

Looking down into the master bedroom. The trusses for the ceiling of the master bedroom are not in place yet. The ceiling itself will be a "tray ceiling" for added height and sense of "spaciousness." There will be storage in an attic above this bedroom, as well as a 2nd heating and cooling system for the upstairs.

Goodbye 2010 - this is how we left the site New Year's Eve; to think that a year ago we only had a plan downloaded from the Internet!

Looking at Ideas

Over Christmas Randy took us around some of his completed projects to show us "possibilities." Above you can see how he does car ports - we decided to do a car port instead of a garage to keep the site more "open" and to save a little money that we can put into the house itself.

Above is how the railing along the balcony above the Great Room will look.

This shot gives an idea of how the deck railing will look - notice how the black vinyl clad "fencing" practically disappears.

Closet treatment - there will be shelves in all the bedroom closets.

Fireplace treatment - we have picked out a stone that has more "field rocks" than this example, but the mantle treatment will be similar to this. The fireplace will be gas, not wood.

The locust pole in the center here shows what will support the balcony - there will be two of these, one on either side of the counter/bar that separates the kitchen from the great room. Good thing we had Sadie with us to chase away the bears!!