Thursday, October 14, 2010

We Have a Foundation!

We received photos today of the foundation in progress. How exciting to begin to understand exactly where the house is sitting on the creek bank!

The photo at the left is taken from upstream next to the road, looking downstream.

The photo to the left is taken from the old driveway entrance at the downstream end. Notice that the tree is gone from the corner.

This photo is taken from the downstream end of the foundation, looking through what will be a doorway into the crawl space. We'll be able to use this area to store yard tools, etc.

This view is from the downstream creek-side corner looking across the foundation up the road.

This is the creek-side of the foundation. You can see that holes have been dug closer to the bank for the sono-tube supports for the deck. You can still see the beautiful upstream view and I notice one ivy covered tree still helping to hold the bank.

The track hoe seems to have been busy!

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